Sunday, July 20, 2008

God and Gas!

I normally don't turn the TV on on Sunday mornings. But today, I did. I was flipping through the channels and I came across Smiley. No not Miley, but the smiley preacher. You may know him by Joel Olsteen. While I haven't read his books nor have I listened to an entire sermon speech of his. I have seen a couple interviews and quotes. And that's been enough to know that he's not that scriptural.

This morning I just happened to flip the channel when he took a breath and then he said,

"God will give you better gas mileage."

I don't know the context of his paragraph around this. He did say, before I got him turned off,

"He [God] will keep you out of rush hour."

Now, I know that God is capable. But I haven't seen these in the Bible nor do I feel that these are things that he is just wanting us to pray for.

I would rather ask that He keep supplying peace, giving abundant life and keeping us out of temptation.

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